Chinese New Year 2022 | Year of the Water Tiger
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Chinese New Year 2022 - Year of the Water Tiger

2022 continues the 12 year Chinese zodiac cycle with the 3rd animal in order – the tiger.

The origin of the zodiac cycle is tied to an ancient folklore legend, and the story has been told since the earliest days of Chinese civilization. There are many versions of the story, but one of the most popular asserts that the 12 zodiac animals were determined by a race held by the Jade emperor. The order that the animals finished in the race set the order in the cycle. The rat and ox were the first to cross the finish line, followed by the tiger.

The tiger was not as early of a riser as the ox and rat, and so got a later start in the race. The tiger also lacked the industrious nature of the ox as well as the rat’s resourcefulness and quick wit. However, the tiger was able to finish right behind due to its strength, stubborn will, and competitive spirit. The legend states that the tiger was only slowed by the current of a river, which it struggled to swim through.

Chinese Tiger Emblem

Personality Traits of the Tiger Zodiac

The greatest strengths of a tiger are confidence, bravery, passion for adventure, and an uncompromising resolve. The tiger is quick to take on new challenges and will never give up until they reach their goal. Because of these qualities, tigers are believed to make great leaders.

However, these traits also come with weaknesses. Tigers can be stubborn, arrogant, and lacking in modesty. Their rebelliousness can also lead them into trouble. Although tigers tend to have many friends, they may also struggle establishing intimate relationships.

Chinese Zodiac Outlook for 2022

The water tiger year begins February 1st, 2022, and ends January 21st 2023. This year is believed to be a turbulent one marked by action and change. Surprising developments may create adversity and stress, so it is important to embrace a calm and patient energy so you do not become consumed by the moment. Balance and moderation in judgment will help in this regard.

In order to continue moving forward or regain lost ground, one must be fully lucid and open to adapt to changing circumstances. It is important to be dynamic, but also to remain true to yourself about what you can realistically achieve. Don’t be discouraged if your initial efforts are met with challenges or failures. You must maintain a strong resolve like the tiger if you want to reach your goals.

Chinese Bronze Tiger Artifact